
Blog posts

Building a photographic stage

The visual documenting of many good projects is let down by poor lighting and cluttered, messy scenes.  When I do photography and video I want to create the best images that I can.  To this end I decided to build an infinity cyclorama – or photographic stage.  In my case, this means a platform and back wall, with a curved corner between them. I don’t have much space for storage, so the main requirement was that the finish unit could…

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3D printer has been ordered!

Update: the supplier expects to have stock in on Monday 15th.  So I should have a printer by the end of the week! I came to the realisation that many of the projects that I am planning would benefit greatly from being able to 3D print parts (like cases for electronics). To that end I have just ordered a Bee Prusa 3D printer from The 3D Printer in Melbourne (https://www.the3dprinter.com.au/) at a cost of AUD$958.  Note: the price of…

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Science experiment: aluminium foil heat conduction test
Aluminium foil

Intro: One of the projects I am planning (the design and construction of a heat recovery and ventilation system) requires a membrane that efficiently transfers heat from one body of air to another. I am planning to use regular household aluminium foil for this. It has a lot of things in its favour including Note: I have recently decided that the heat recovery unit will probably use copper foil instead since copper has roughly double the conductivity of aluminium…

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