A local supplier of Adafruit components in Australia

If you are thinking of buying Adafruit components like the ones I regularly use in my projects and you don’t want to pay for, or wait for shipping from the US then you are in luck! I recently discovered that you can order Adafruit components from Core Electronics in Australia.  They claim to stock the entire range of Adafruit components. You can find them here: https://core-electronics.com.au/

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Learning about potentiometers

As part of The Midnight Clock’s development I am currently learning how to detect the position of a dial using an Arduino.  It’s a relatively simple task – namely, monitor the voltage at the middle leg of a potentiometer using an analog input on the Arduino. You can see the official Arduino tutorial here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/tutorial/potentiometer What I discovered was that while the tutorial is correct, the reading from the potentiometer fluctuated (sometimes quite strongly), even when the pot wasn’t being…

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