A local supplier of Adafruit components in Australia

If you are thinking of buying Adafruit components like the ones I regularly use in my projects and you don’t want to pay for, or wait for shipping from the US then you are in luck! I recently discovered that you can order Adafruit components from Core Electronics in Australia.  They claim to stock the entire range of Adafruit components. You can find them here: https://core-electronics.com.au/

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AI is coming to design and engineering

There is one thing in life that you can count on: AI is going to be bigger and happen sooner than almost any of us expect. Autonomous cars are perhaps the most visible implementations of AI, but it’s creeping in everywhere.  From personal assistants (Sirri, Cortana, Alexa etc), to administration jobs (IBM’s Watson), and now – design and engineering.  Have a look at this article about a team who have applied machine learning to automotive design: http://www.drive.com.au/motor-news/how-artificial-intelligence-could-design-your-next-car-20170228-gumxy6.html From the…

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Sports locker lock fix up

I am lucky enough to have a locker at the Men’s Shed that I am a member of.  However, the lockers there are all old and second hand and all missing their keys.  So they aren’t really safe to store valuables in.  I wanted a key for my locker, so I thought I would get one cut. Initially I just took this photo of the front of the lock to locksmiths and asked them to cut a key….

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3D printer has arrived!

After nearly a month long wait my Bee Prusa 3D printer has arrived. I don’t blame The 3D Shop – who I purchased it from, as their stock was held up by customs.  Just the usual trials of international freight!  They did however keep me appraised of the situation, which was good. I bought two rolls of filament to go with the printer (since it has two heads) – PLA and PVA.  PLA is mostly good for prototyping, or…

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