Magnifier arm

As part of my ongoing upgrade to my photographic stage I decided to add a magnifier on an arm to it.  My eyesight is ok, but when you are dealing with small electronic components it’s sometimes not enough and some artificial help can make all the difference. I bought a cheap 100mm magnifying glass on a fold up stand.  I also scrounged up an old broken desk lamp (think Luxor Junior).  A little bit of hacking, some stainless steel,…

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The Howto Howto

Over a couple of decades the distilled wisdom of my family’s experience of hosting Christmas for our relatives has been collected in a notebook that has become known as The Christmas Book. It contains pearls of wisdom like: “Light the kettle BBQ at 8.15am for turkey to start cooking at 9.00am, for 1.00pm lunch” (yes, we usually have a monster turkey (boned and rolled and stuffed with a few boned and rolled chickens, and the thing takes at least…

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