
Sleep Diary (biphasic sleep experiment)

This sleep diary is part of my ongoing biphasic sleep experiment.

Date Sleep style Hours Quality (1-5) Comments
21/08/2016 Biphasic 3-5 8 4 Found it hard to get to sleep initially (around 8.00pm), drifted off around 9.00pm perhaps? Woke at midnight. Stayed in bed, read for a while and though about things. Very low level activity, drifted off to sleep about 2.00am, woke up around 7.00am feeling refreshed and clear headed
24/08/2016 Single phase 9 4 Went to sleep very quickly and slept through. Felt rested, but a little groggy (possibly too much sleep)
25/08/2016 Single phase 7.5 3 Went to sleep very quickly and slept through. Felt mostly rested, but a little groggy. Didn’t feel entirely rested. Not overly alert mentally. Feel like I would like to sleep again
26/08/2016 Single phase 9.5 2 Went to bed at 11.00pm, went to sleep fairly quickly, and slept until 8.30.

Sleep quality was very bad, kept waking up from about 3.00am with a headache.  In retrospect, I think that I was dehydrated.

Not very restful sleep and I felt tired most of the day. Headache persisted half the day

27/08/2016 biphasic  4 3 3 Lay down at 9.00pm, didn’t sleep until about 10.00pm.

Slept for four hours deeply, woke at 2.00am.

Couldn’t get back to sleep until 5.30am, then slept until 8.30am.

Not feeling great this morning, but definitely better than yesterday (only very small headache) I feel rested and mostly alert this morning.

28/08/2016 Single phase 8 5 Lay down at 9.15pm, didn’t sleep until about 10.00pm.

Slept for four hours deeply, woke at about 2.00am.


Chose to go straight back to sleep and slept through until 6.00am, slept again until 7.00am.

Found it hard to wake up and get up. Not feeling clear and would like to sleep again.

30/08/2016 Biphasic  3.5 3.5 4 Slept deeply from 8.30pm until midnight exactly.

Went to sleep again about 2.00am, but had more broken sleep

Woke up a little tired, but feeling alert and able to concentrate

31/08/2016 Single phase 7 5  Slept from 1.30am until about 8.30am quite deeply, but woke up feeling groggy and have felt somewhat tired most of the day.
05/09/2016 Single phase 7.5 5  Slept from 12.30am until 7.30am quite deeply.  Woke up briefly at 5.15am, but went straight back to sleep. Feeling good, this morning, just a little groggy.