Motorcycle helmet HUD – 3

I may still be waiting for my 3D printer to arrive, but in the mean time, the components for my HUD were waiting in the mail box today! It included a Rasberry Pi model 3 B, an Adafruit Feather Bluefruit (bluetooth enabled Feather development board) and some headers for the Bluefruit. So now I’m ready to push forward with this project and get the electronics finalised.  Once the 3D printer arrives, then I can start working on housings for…

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Motorcycle helmet HUD – 1

This is an old project that I am finally getting back to, with the hope of completing. I have ridden motorcycles for nearly twenty years, and being tall (6’2″) means that on all of the bikes that I have owned, the instrument cluster is out of my line of site – usually obscured by the chin guard of my helmet (and there is absolutely no way known that I will ever wear an open face helmet). This is a…

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