Science experiment: biphasic sleep

Intro: This comes very much in the category of something to “do” rather than make.  But it may well help with the “making” in due course. If you haven’t read my posts about biphasic sleep, you can see them here and here.  In short, biphasic sleep means sleeping in two blocks, with a period of low activity wakefulness in between.  It is suggested by researcher Jessa Gamble that this is the sleep pattern that humans evolved with and that our brains and bodies…

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The Midnight Clock – 1

I love sleep. I really love a good long sleep and waking feeling well rested. It’s not the easiest thing to do though these days. Our lives are so busy, there are so many demands and temptations to stay up late and get up early. As the Bon Jovi song goes: “Until I’m six feet under / Baby I don’t need a bed / Gonna live while I’m alive / I’ll sleep when I’m dead…” I love staying up…

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